California Statement of Information

Save time and money by choosing California Registered Agent to file for you

By switching to California Registered Agent—the gold standard for business services in the Golden State—you can stay in good standing with the Secretary of State for less than you’d pay other service providers.

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Statement of Information Service Includes:

  • Your California Statement of Information Filed Fast and Worry-Free
  • Guaranteed On-Time Filing
  • 1 Year of Free Registered Agent Service ($50 a year after that)
  • No Change of Agent Fees

How We File Your Statement of Information

We make filing your California Statement of Information easy. Click File Today and complete our simple signup form where we collect the state fee and our filing fee.

That’s all you need to do!

Our registered agent team will receive the order, verify your company information with the state, and file your statement of information on-time and hassle-free—guaranteed! We’ll also throw in a year of registered agent service for free, cover any change fees, and save you hundreds of dollars compared to other services.

File Today



When is the California Statement of Information due?

LLCs: Every two years at the end of the month in which you formed or any six months prior.

Corporations: Every year at the end of the month in which you formed or any five months prior.

How much does the California Statement of Information cost?

Submitting a Statement of Information for both corporations and LLCs costs a $20 filing fee. Corporations have an additional $5 disclosure fee.

What happens if I file my California Statement of Information after its due date?

Businesses that file late may be subject to a $250 fine and administrative dissolution.

Who can file a California Statement of Information?

An officer/director, member/manager, or someone your business employs to file on its behalf like California Registered Agent can file your statement of information.

When you hire us to file you can rest assured that a local, California registered agent will file your report accurately and on time!

Why choose California Registered Agent?
  • Reliability: We’ll receive every important notice from the state and notify you in seconds.
  • Privacy: We’ll protect your personal address by keeping it off the state’s public records.
  • Ease of Access: All documents are scanned and available for life in your online account.
  • Consistency: We’ll be your registered agent if you or your business moves anywhere in California.
  • Resources: Registered agent service includes a document library, pre-filled with your business details. You’ll never need to navigate the state’s confusing website.

California Registered Agent is committed to affordable and accessible compliance. Our price never goes up—$50 a year is all you’ll ever pay to keep us as your registered agent!